The ‘Universitat de Lleida’ offers the possibility of carrying out studies towards acquiring basic knowledges in physics and engineering as Mechanical Engineering degree (for more information, visit the web page: ’Escola Politècnica Superior’). So if you want to have more specific knowledge in renewable energy area, you can add a master or postgraduate course (for more information, visit the following web page: Master in Applied Sciences to the Engineering)
The research group also offers the possibility of organizing tours to the experimental facilities (LOTC and CTTC), practical demonstrations and training courses among some interested group of people. To convene this type of events, please contact directly through Contact Us section.
On the other hand, this website is provided by a course platform about basic knowledges of solar energy. It is offered the possibility to learn and understand their fundamentals, uses and trends in solar energy (see Solar Energy Platform).
In addition, through the Latest News section appeared in the main page, is it possible to find some special convocations of learnig opportunities.