It is used for performing PV modules testing under different stress environmental conditions.
Conventional PV modules are only transforming 10-20% from incident Solar Radiation into electric energy, the remaining 80-90% is sensitive heat which is causing an overheating of PV cells, reducing their electric efficiency.
For this reason, the back ventilation of PV modules is effective as to increase their efficiency as to take advantage of produced winter heat and to increase thermal insulating resistance.
This unit is provided by three basic elements
TRE-L: It consist of a prototype which is enabled to integrate specific PV modules for performing forced flow testing in backside. It provides an internal ventilation channel for performing tests at different air flows.
Weather station: It is used to recollect information about outdoor conditions of wind (anemometer), global radiation (pyranometer), temperature and humidity (thermohygrometer).
Reference modules: Are two modules with same features of the TRE-L, but are installed under two possible extreme situations. They are mainly used to behavior comparisons.
-Isolated module: Provided by 10 cm of EPS isolating in its backside.
-Free module: Without no material in its backside.
Process is based in behavior comparison between the ventilated PV module with a rear fan (TRE-L) and the other two reference modules.